Get the LOVE you want!

The Little Love Box

Open Yourself and your Beloved to soaring heights of bliss. Discover intimacy and a deeper sense of self – individually and in relationship!

The Little Love Box is a system that helps two people discover greater intimacy and love in a relationship.

Self guided through a set of 13 full color cards, 10 of which are exercises, The Little Love Box can be performed as set out in the directions page, or individualized as wanted or needed.   Learning to communicate honestly and develop non-judgment and love for one another allows for a whole new dimension in living and loving.    You don’t own your partner – the greatest gift you can give one another is the freedom to be themselves.  Allowing this can create an amazing connection and is the gateway to a great life, blissful satisfaction, and sexual fulfillment!   Don’t you want that for yourself?!?  The Little Love Box may be used in conjunction with Tantra Yoga Lifestyle Coaching in private session or in couples or group settings.

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Matthew Mcllvain

“An Amazing Experience…”

You will never feel so safe, so loved, and so honored as you will in the gentle hands of Cathy Braun.  Her warmth and kindness are virtually without peer.  You will leave Cathy’s studio floating on a cloud for which there is no number.